Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ayn Rand: Atheist Cornerstone of Tea Party Economics

“Ayn Rand... made egoism the ultimate good. What Christianity labels as the unfortunate consequence of original sin, Rand saw as man’s natural and best state. Interestingly, while Ayn Rand’s atheism bothers conservative evangelicals, it seems to bother some of them less than... Obamacare.” 

Mediocre philosophy sells: It makes the half-literate… feel smart."

Ayn Rand: Atheist Cornerstone of Republican Economics: 

GOP Free Market Hero Ayn Rand: "I am against God" 

Catholic Education Resource Center - Ayn Rand: Architect of “The Culture of Death” 

Ayn Rand: "The GOP’s Godless Philosopher" 

Nixon counsellor and born-again Christian Chuck Colson warns citizens to steer clear of Rand's "godless gospel of selfishness"

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